
hamster corporation造句


  1. The game division of spun off HAMSTER Corporation in November 1999.
  2. is a Arcade Archive collection from the Japanese video game publisher Hamster Corporation, it is set to be released in march 2017.
  3. HAMSTER Corporation acquired the rights of Nihon Bussan's video games in March 2014 and the rights of UPL's video games in May 2016.
  4. is a series of Arcade machine game titles from the 1980s and 1990s for Sony's PlayStation 4, Microsoft's Xbox One, and Windows 10, published by Hamster Corporation.
  5. In March 2009, to participate in the D4 Enterprise and Retro game is a reprint and distribution services Project EGG, In March 2014, Nihon Bussan sold the rights of all video games to Hamster Corporation.
  6. It's difficult to find hamster corporation in a sentence. 用hamster corporation造句挺难的
  7. In August 2016 the original arcade version was re-released for PS4 in Japan and other Asian PS-Store's, the port was made by Hamster Corporation and is part of the Arcade Archives on PS4.


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